Would you like to have attentive children that collaborate with enthusiasm, motivation, and attention toward a common goal? Discover the power and allure of TAMTAO Drumming Week for your kids learning achievement.
My name is Peter Christl. I'd like to introduce you to the TAMTAO Drumming Week, a 2001 Brussels-founded international rhythm and focus program for elementary schools using gorgeous African cow skin djembes.
This workshop is curriculum-oriented and works towards the school and its needs. Drumming trains the skills and the techniques for concentration and teamwork which your children require for successful learning.
We learn and play great rhythms in combination with fun spoken verses while developing right and left-hand motor skills.
It creates a happy and cheerful class atmosphere where clear rules are applied fairly and consistently.
The workshop does not require any drumming experience or knowledge of music.
I provide the instruments.
For more detailed information, check out the Frequently Asked Questions or scroll further down this page to hear and see the Drumming Week in action.
great drum rhythms with spoken verses,
learn concentration and paying attention techniques through play,ย
promote class fellowship and the ability to learn,
strengthen the immune system
- Primary school children of grades 1 to 4.
- Depending on the request and the circumstances, kindergarten children and pupils in grades 5 to 6 can also participate.
After your inquiry via the contact form CLICK,
we will find out in a telephone conversation whether a Drumming Week is suitable for your school.
We will then discuss the individual situation at your school and
find the ideal form and costs for your Drumming Week(s).
We talk about:
- number (#) of classes
- # of children
- # of the drum lessons per class (1 drum lesson = 45 minutes)
- # of the hours per week
- # of the all-day classes
- # of drum weeks
When we agree on a Drumming Week for your school,
you will receive an email that summarizes the conditions, such as
- date
- # of classes
- # of children
- cost per child
- total cost
- etc.
TAMTAO Drumming Week:
– 4 to 6 classes = 5 drumming lessons, one lesson per week day (best learning effect and outcome, best fun, best experience)
– 7 to 8 classes = 4 drumming lessons, (8 classes = 2 additional lessons in the afternoon), (2nd best learning effect and outcome, fun and experience)
It is possible to book more weeks for more classes (i.e. 12 classes, or 17 classes)
Other 1 week models are available (smaller investment per child / but less drumming, less fun, less learning effect and outcome)
- The children learn rhythms, learn concentration, and experience creativity
- The children learn to pay attention playfully
- The children experience a drumming journey to joy
Contents (excerpt)
- 2 to 3 drum rhythms with spoken verses, adapted in difficulty to the grade level
- 2-part group drumming as a climax of the week
- Rituals
- Motor skills exercises (left and right-hand training)
- Concentration exercises
- Happiness formula (paying attention makes you happy)
- Class cooperation
- Social skills training
- Values training (patience, respect, consideration, etc.)
- Creative and deepening drumming games
- And more
See also: CLICK
Bonus offers
- Teacher drumming
- Parent drumming in the evening (with online registration), currently paused
- Parent visit in the child's final lesson (children and parents drum together), currently paused
Additional workshops available (additional costs)
– In-service training for teachers
- Non-Specialist Music Teaching Workshop
- Drums are provided free of charge
Do you have drums at your school?
- Sharing of existing drums is welcome (djembes, congas, bongos, Orff drums, cajons, etc).
- Complementary teaching
- Curriculum oriented
- Systematic methodology
- Values oriented
- disciplined
- chaos free
- structured
- effective
- sustainable
They are
- enthusiastic through the joy of drumming
- concentrated through looking, listening, and speaking
- happy through discipline and paying attention
- motivated by "I want to be able to drum"
- self-confident through leading and following
- oriented through left-right hand training
- balanced through synchronous brain hemispheres
- relaxed through the reduction of aggression
- healthy through a strengthened immune system
More information here: CLICK
- Teachers are offered the rare and unique opportunity to experience their children from an observer's perspective
- opportunity to determine grades in the subject of music through undisturbed observation of the children
- pedagogical and methodological classroom management
- behavioral training of the children
- introductory methods for making music with the whole class (discipline, critical activity).
The school's data determine the price. Please address your request either via the contact form (CLICK) or by email directly:
tamtao (at) mac.com
I will answer promptly.
- Choice of room (classroom, music room, gymnasium, gymnastics room, computer room, WTG room, basement room, etc.).
- Clarify financing model or mixed financing (parents full payer/parents pro-rata, parents' council, development association, sponsors, district committee, city funds, etc.).
- Write and publish a letter to the parents
- Create the timetable
- You can reserve or book one or more TAMTAO Drumming Weeks for your Primary School via the contact form (CLICK). You can also request further information.
- If possible, I will be happy to fulfill your desired date. Please make your reservation or booking early
- I will respond quickly and promptly to your request
After your inquiry via the contact form (CLICK),
we will find out in a telephone conversation whether a Drumming Week is suitable for your school.
We will then discuss the individual situation at your school and
find the ideal form and costs for your Drumming Week(s).
We talk about:
- number (#) of classes
- # of children
- # of the drum lessons per class (1 drum lesson = 45 minutes)
- # of the hours per week
- # of the all-day classes
- # of drum weeks
When we agree on a Drumming Week for your school,
you will receive an email that summarizes the conditions, such as
- date
- # of classes
- # of children
- cost per child
- total cost
- etc.
The TAMTAO Drumming Week is a classroom supplementary music project on beautiful African djembes. The aim is to make drumming a fun, engaging, motivating, and memorable experience. I want children to look forward to coming to the drumming lessons and be excited about learning! Music and drumming are powerful tools that help children learn, develop and grow. They teach children how to pay attention, concentrate, work together as a class and express themselves creatively.
With the help of the TAMTAO teaching system, proven in over 12,800 lessons, the children learn,
– how to learn djembe rhythms with joy,
– how to pay attention and concentrate,
– how to work together as a class,
– how to develop their creativity.
Since its foundation in 2001 in Brussels, Belgium, the TAMTAO Drumming Week has brought the joy of drumming to more than 52,000 school children, teachers, and parents from 18 European countries*. The project is a frequently invited guest at primary schools in Germany and abroad and is appreciated for its pedagogical quality and humorous methodical way.
”Mr. Christl has proven in a very short time that he has an extraordinary skill in teaching the children to enjoy and succeed in a disciplined way.“
C. R., Primary School Headmaster, Munich
In a way, drumming in a group can be seen as a rhythmic team game having a clear goal: To do one's best to make the rhythm sound good.
To achieve this, the children have to be attentive and concentrated.
Drumming awakens the willingness and discipline to do well together.
The drum is the ideal musical instrument to practice concentration and mindfulness with a whole class.
Drumming integrates the three learning types: visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic learning. Different learning types of children are in good hands with TAMTAO.
When we practice a rhythm, the children listen and watch my hands as I play (auditory, visual). They need a lot of attention for this. Afterward, the children can see the hand order on the board (visual). They listen to the rhythm and pay attention to my oral explanations of the hand order (auditory). They move the body and their hands while playing the rhythm (kinesthetic).
With professional guidance, drumming in a large group is fun and brings about successful togetherness.
In a short time, the result reflects the children the level of attention: We did that well. Or we have to do better!
The precious drums and playing in a group motivate the children to engage in the challenging task with joy and to join in.
The children's inner reward system is activated and releases lots of dopamine. The resulting enthusiasm and vitality help learn the rhythms and later learn in the classroom.
The learning of drum rhythms is supported by speaking fun speech verses and bringing the brain hemispheres into harmony.
All of that puts the children in such a good mood that they enthusiastically tell about it at home!
Occasionally, the children can bang the drums while drumming. Pent-up aggression is released this way. Although the children practice with a lot of fun and power, fair and consistent rules are always in place.
While drumming, everyone looks and listens to the drumming chief and his signs. In the beginning, most of the children's attention quickly drifts away. Repeatedly, they are reminded to focus on the drumming chief.
Over time, the children's ability to concentrate becomes stronger and stronger. The better the children look and listen, the better the rhythm sounds.
The joy about the success achieved is lasting: the drumming remains in everyone's memory for a long time. Often the children still remember the verses after years. The enthusiasm to learn something new again and again is also an indispensable prerequisite for lifelong learning.
The internalized joy of learning prepares the children for changes in the professional world (artificial intelligence, robots in the working world).
TAMTAO Drumming brings great joy to the children and teaches necessary techniques and skills for learning success in school.
With this in mind, I look forward to helping your children learn.
With best regards,
Peter Christl,
TAMTAO Drumming
”After only 45 minutes, the children could play a small piece in two voices. All the children were highly motivated and enthusiastic about Mr. Christl's style and methodology. Super!“
S. G., Primary School Teacher, Munich
In the following sections, you can read about features and benefits, about gifts from children, and watch videos. And you can book a Drumming Week
Find out about the contents of the
TAMTAO Drumming Week and what
the students get out of it.
Children express their gratitude for unforgettable drum lessons in words and colorful drawings.
How Children Say Thank You!In this video (0:48 min.), you can see how children and parents of a Munich primary school class play two rhythms in two groups called two voices playing and manage to hit the final beat together
In this video (0:31 min.), children and parents at the European School of Brussels are practicing the new rhythm "Je danse Mango Tango".
To book a Drumming Week please click on the
contact form button.
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